Shade and Ornamental Trees

Shade and Ornamental Trees currently growing in our nursery:

- Princeton Gold® Maple
- Royal Red Maple
- Brandywine Maple
- Red Sunset® Maple
- Autumn Blaze® Maple
- Heritage® River Birch (single stem) 
- Heritage® River Birch (multi Stem)
- Tuliptree

- Sunburst® Honeylocust
- Shademaster® Honeylocust
- Red Barron Crab Apple (pink) 
- Spring Snow Crab Apple (white) 
- Bur Oak
- Swamp White Oak
- Northern Red Oak
- White Oak

Whats Grown at Voglund Nursery?

At Voglund Nursery we grow many varieties of shade and ornamental trees. Currently, most of our trees ready for sale range in size from 1.25"-2" Caliper. This means the lower section of the trunk of the tree is between 1.25-2 inches around. For a better idea of size, depending on tree variety, these will be 8-12 ft tall trees with wide, sturdy, and well branched tops. Currently, the shade and ornamental trees grown at our nursery are all  Balled and Burlaped meaning they are dug from the ground and wrapped in burlap and wire bags for sale. In the future we will be expanding into larger 2"+ sized trees as well as potted shade and ornamental trees. All of the trees shown below, we offer for pickup, delivery, or complete installation.

We Can Find More Trees!

If you have a particular size or variety of tree in mind that we do not have listed as grown in our Nursery, we have many other growers that we partner with to expand our variety offered. Between their selection and ours, we can certainly find you the exact tree you are looking for. Also, we receive bare root trees in the spring that we offer for sale. These bareroot trees must be planted immediately following delivery but they provide the best option for an economical tree that is already somewhat established. Bareroot trees can be up to 50% less expensive than its potted or B&B counterpart.The list below is only what we have growing in our field, but we can always find other trees if you already have a size or variety in mind.

When are these available?

From our nursery - Balled and Burlaped Trees can only be dug from the ground in the dormant season when they are not actively growing. Because of this, we can only dig trees out of our nursery in the late fall through early spring. A tree grown in our nursery would need to be ordered and dug before the leafs branch out in the spring. We can hold the tree above ground for a later install, but holding will require a deposit. Bare root trees are only available at a scheduled time once a year in the spring. They will be offered for sale for a very short time in the spring or can be pre-ordered in the winter for spring arrival. But, you can contact us now to plan for or order a tree that you would like to purchase or have installed in the coming spring.

Outside sourced -
Trees sourced from other growers are typically available year round. However, whats available for outside purchase during the growing season is also limited because our partners can only offer us what has already been predug and is above ground or what they grow in pots.